MOTION Dance Studio Management Software

MOTION [mo-shunNoun

The action or process of moving forward; Power of movement; The act or process of moving; The ability or power to move.

The word “motion” is defined as the action of constantly moving forward. It was this characterization at its core that was the inspiration and the namesake of the new dance studio management software, MOTION by TigerSix.

To understand the concept of MOTION and why it is so radically different, we need to go back to October 5, 1991 and look at the revolutionary software release of the Linux operating system. Linux revolutionized the software industry because it was the most prominent example of free open source software. In short, the program and its underling source code could be modified and changed by the user of the program. The Linux collaboration method allowed the users to freely contribute and change the software, allowing it to evolve into a more robust product. The more people who used it, the better it got because everyone could contribute to the program. It is this same collaboration methodology that was the inspiration and the driving force behind the development of the MOTION Dance Studio Management Software.

Now, let’s fast forward to 2014 and look at the typical studio management software on the market. The software is designed to be used for multiple industry segments. The software can be used to manage a dance studio, a gym, a karate studio, a spa or even your local town’s lacrosse program. This allows the software manufacturer to get the most “bang for their buck.” The problem with this model is that you need to have every possible feature in the software that will serve every industry segment that you are selling it to. The end result is software that is complicated to use and difficult to learn. You end up with screens, functions and fields that you simply don’t need to manage your dance studio. The compounding problem is that the manufacturer cannot modify the software for a specific user. Any changes to the software have to conform to every industry segment that it is being sold to.

MOTION powered by TigerSixIf you are currently using a software package to manage your dance studio, look at the program. How many fields are on each screen and how many of them do you really use? How complicated is the process of registering a student for a class? Can it handle complex table billing?

Now let’s look at MOTION. The team of software gurus at TigerSix developed MOTION using the Linux software model: Allow everyone to collaborate and contribute to the product. Allow every user of the software to submit their opinion and request new features. Evolve with the dance industry and provide the latest in technology in a simple, easy-to-use format.

It is this underling core value that sets MOTION apart. It is also the reason why MOTION cannot be used to manage a fitness center. MOTION was designed by dance studio owners, teachers, managers and the leaders in the industry, such as Dance Teacher Web, to be used for one thing, managing a dance studio.

After the initial release of MOTION in July 2013, the company asked the users of MOTION what they liked, what they didn’t like and what they needed to make the job of managing their dance studio easier. It was this collaborative model and the resulting input of the actual users that led to the release of some of the most innovative features: the Table Billing Module, Unlimited Discount Module, Automated Text Notification, and the integration of Discount Dance Supply and TuTuTIX. These are just a few of the many unique features developed, tested and released based on the needs of the MOTION users.  

For more information on MOTION, visit or call 1-888-910-8060.

MOTION [the software]  

The action of providing the Dance Studio Owner with everything they need to manage their studio in one easy to use, affordable package.

Photo (top): © Neil270 |

The post MOTION Dance Studio Management Software appeared first on Dance Informa Magazine.