Teachers: Win $1000 in Costumes for your Studio

Dance Informa, Weissman and Dancewear Solutions have recently partnered to create Steal the Spotlight – an exciting opportunity for your studio and dancers to team up and win amazing dancewear and tuition prizes!

By encouraging your dancers to enter this contest, you both have a chance of winning a grand prize worth $2,000. This prize includes:

$500 Visa gift card for winning student’s class tuition (to be sent directly to your studio)
$500 Dancewear Solutions credit for the winning student
$1,000 Weissman gift credit for the winning student’s studio to purchase costumers and/or dancewear

The grand prize drawing will take place on August 1, 2015.

In addition, 1 dancer and his/her studio will be chosen each month to win $150 each in shopping credit at Dancewear Solutions and Weissman’s Designs for Dance, now through July 2015.

Encourage your students to enter our Steal the Spotlight sweepstakes so that you may all have a chance to win these great prizes!

For a teacher packet, including a display poster for your studio and flyers, email editorial@danceinforma.com. We’d love to send one out to you to increase your chances of winning.

Visit www.StealtheSpotlightNOW.com to enter!
A complete list of sweepstake terms is available at www.StealtheSpotlightNOW.com.

The post Teachers: Win $1000 in Costumes for your Studio appeared first on Dance Informa Magazine.

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